"Bear sniffed once. She sniffed twice. 'I smell winter in the air' said bear. 'It is time to crawl in my cave and sleep. But first I must tell snail."
My group of mostly kindergarten students looked at the art of Denise Fleming in her beautiful book Time To Sleep. Her pulp painting illustrations are full of rich autumn hues showing the animals of the forest getting ready to settle down for a winter nap. I wanted to focus on the texture aspect of Fleming's art and also create a tactile focused art lesson for my young group.
I had the children create textured paper for their trees and leaves with sponges and acrylics. They created their bears with sponge brushes and even q-tips on orange construction paper to create a painterly effect. All components were cut out and glued to a yellow, orange and gold sponge painted background. And last they used leaf stamps to add more autumn leaves.
Really very nice art work. Students really did superb job and I liked “Time to Sleep” painting. Even I also love to do paintings at my free time. That’s why I am learning art from Aboriginal Art learning school.