Saturday, October 8, 2011

Piatti Owls, Take Two

Paige (7)
Sharpie Markers and Acrylic

Ella (7)

Talia (7)

Lilly (5)

Hannah (5)

Brianna (7)

My October session art students looked at the work of Celestino Piatti. For this group, I gave only the primary colors and black and white. We talked about adding designs and patterns in the way Piatti did in his graphic owls. This was the first opportunity for some to mix paint and it was fun for them to come up with their own color palettes for their owls.


  1. Beautiful artwork from your students.
    I love the colors and textures of the owls.

  2. Mary,
    In the spirit of Mr. Piatti, your student's work is bella, bella, belissima!


  3. i LOVE ella's owl. so precious! also, your student talia must be such a joy to have in class!!

  4. These are so gorgeous- we've been working with owls lately too! I haven't come across this artist before- thanks for introducing me to her. I am going to pin this- hope you don't mind. Lynda


I appreciate your comments and feedback!