Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Hannah, 5

Avery, Kindergarten

Cate, 2nd grade

Zoe, 2nd

Lacie, 2nd

Olivia, Kindergarten

Abby, Kindergarten

Amanda, 2nd

Almost half of my January art class are Kindergarten students. I thought a good basic lesson would be to learn about warm versus cool palettes. The children created two painted backgrounds, warm colors for our lovebirds and cool for our fish (to post later). These lovebirds were inspired by this piece from Jennifer Mercede. We learned that lovebirds often stay together as a couple for life. They can be seen sitting side by side on branches in the wild. I thought this was a sweet lesson in light of the approaching Valentines Day.

We went about the project the same was as my earlier posted giraffes and hummingbirds. The children used oil pastels on black construction paper to create their lovebirds following a direct line drawing lesson. They then added color using chalk pastels. These were cut out and glued to our warm color backgrounds.


I appreciate your comments and feedback!