Beautiful composition Daniella(3rd grade). I particularly like your happy Swomee-Swans!

I love your take on the Lorax with the added chopped down Truffula tree Harrison(4th grade)!

Alexis, 8

Savannah, 9

Lacey, 6

Kindergarten and 1st Grade Loraxes in Progress
The children followed a direct line drawing lesson to create their Lorax as he sits on his tree trunk perch. I love his quote, "I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues." They could then decide to create his surrounding environment with tree stumps, beautiful Truffulas, Swomee-Swans, Humming-Fish ect.. They used a combination of marker, tempera and watercolor.
(I discovered that The Lorax will be an animated motion picture in March 2012)