Anya Brock Inspired Budgies

Torn Paper Landscapes
Air Dry Clay Birds on Driftwood Perches
Mixed Media Chameleons
These are some of the projects my groups of Multi-Media Art Fun kids completed over the last three weeks. And while I try to keep this blog primarily about children's art, sometimes life doesn't just creep in, it knocks the door down. So, I feel it wouldn't be authentic, if I didn't at least mention something on a personal note. I got word a couple weeks ago that my husband was being rushed by ambulance as he was suffering from a stroke. Pretty unsettling when the EMT answers your husband's cell phone to tell you this. The good news is he got help during that "golden window" of time and fortunately, it was a mild stroke. He is doing amazingly well, all things considered and is on a path to wellness.
In light of this news, I worried that I wouldn't be upbeat enough for my groups of young students who were ready and eager to start creating. But in actuality, it was the best thing for me to focus on something so wonderfully positive. I enjoyed every minute of our time together and truly appreciated their enthusiasm and energy. There are three siblings who come each summer from Phoenix, Arizona and make my art class a part of their summer vacation plans. How cool is that! So in their honor, I had the kids create the torn paper desert landscapes. They shared with my SoCal locals, how their desert looks in terms of shapes and colors.
Clay is always a crowd-pleaser. So, I'm willing to bet the favorite project for everyone was the clay birds. Some kids went to town with the colorful feathers I had for them to adorn their creations. And everyone got a kick out of choosing just the right driftwood perches, which I had scoured the beach to find. (job perk.)
Up next month, my Unique Art Materials classes. Lots of old favorites to revisit: toothpaste and lotion batik, Chihuly inspired faux glass and gelatin printing.
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