Alexa wanted to create a "girl lion" and wanted no part of the expressive brushstrokes :)

Since I am a private art teacher and not required to follow any particular curriculum I was all over the map as to what my first "fall" art lesson would be. I found myself "pinning away"all types of lessons and ideas. (Yes, I too have been bitten by the bug, diving and weaving between boards, pinning things related to art, marvelous recipes, beautiful interiors, profound quotes ect... Pinterest is the ultimate resource for the visually inclined person. If you're interested, you can follow me
For whatever reason, I decided to do lion faces. I had planned on a more realistic approach until I saw some fabulous
Leroy Neiman inspired lions on Artsonia. (
Here is Mr. Neiman's Lion.)I have definitely been on a Fauvist kick lately. Also I have ages 5 through 9, so I thought it would be a great inclusive project. After a step by step lesson of the facial features, the children used acrylic and tempera with bold expressive strokes to create their lions. We talked about trying to avoid mixing complimentary colors since they would create a brown muddy look we were trying to avoid with this particular project.Last, some chose to use Sharpie or paint to outline their facial features.