Monday, August 30, 2010
Last Gasps of Summer

Saturday, August 21, 2010
Versatile Blogger Award

Rule # 1.) Thank the person who gave the award.
Thanks very much again Phyl of There's a Dragon in My Art Room and and Mrs. Hahn of Mini Matisse! It is greatly appreciated. You are both clearly amazing art teachers! (I did not include you in my blog list below, only to spread the wealth to 2 extra bloggers.)
Rule # 2.) Share 7 things about yourself:
1.) With a background in fine art and graphic design and quite a few courses in art history, I reinvented myself at 40, and absolutely love my "new" career as a children's art teacher!
2.) I have been with my husband literally half my life. (Met at age 21 and will be married 18 years as of next month). He is an amazingly creative Director of Banquets and Caterer. He loves to cook for me, even after his crazy banquet hours.
3.) I have 2 children, 8 and 15. My daughter loves HGTV and is already planning her future dream home (hardwood floors, marble countertops ect.). My son is 15 and that means I am barred from discussing him in any way. :) Too bad because he is quite funny.
4.)We have 2 rescue Terrier-mix mutts, who bring us a lot of laughs! This is despite their obvious quirks. Kobe has a definite case of Napolean Complex and loves to trash talk only the largest dogs: Pit Bulls, Mastiffs, ect.. Ally, who looks likes a leggy Benji, hates all loud things with wheels: skateboards, UPS trucks, motorcycles ect..
5.) I try to live by my mom's mantra, "be here now" and my Dad's practice of "plan your work, work your plan." I reiterate: try.
6.) We live in a wonderful SoCal beach town, just a couple blocks from the ocean. This means there is no reason for the kids to say, "I'm bored." But of course some things are inevitable :)
7.) I hope to one day have the opportunity to travel abroad. Italy would probably be my first choice. For now I am content to watch Anthony Bourdaine's, "No Reservations" and Samantha Brown on The Travel Channel.
Rule #3) Pass the award onto 15 other bloggers you have recently discovered and enjoy.
3.) MN Art Gal
4.) Artolazzi
5.) Vivid Layers
6.) Meri Cherry
8.) Fem Manuals
10.) Kids Artists
11.) Learning Parade
12.) Quest Artists
13.) Art Project Girl
14.) Apples Love Oranges
15.) Laugh Paint Create
I could mention many more! Recipients, feel free to pass the award along if and when you have the time. I know everyone is in back to school mode.
Fantastic Creative Opportunity

This brings me to the point of this post. On Carla Sonheim's blog
she is offering a fabulous online course: The Art Of Silliness 2, 30 worksheets, 30 days, for $25. The exercises are "non-threatening and easy" and just plain fun. Her book reflects this wonderful looseness and whimsy. She mentions that teachers are welcome to photocopy the worksheets and use them in classrooms. I have signed up and just wanted to pass the word along to my fellow blog friends. These aren't long, time consuming exercises and can always be set aside for a day with more free time. Check out her blog for more info. I'm really looking forward to it!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Summer Samplings

Thursday, August 12, 2010
Bedtime Dinosaurs

My Children's Book Art Mini Campers took at a look at the very cute, "How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight?" by Jane Yolen and Mark Teague. ( A real favorite in my house when my children were "young"). I have been wanting to do a dinosaur art project for some time, so this was a great opportunity. I have to say the children (mostly age 6) were somewhat intimidated at the prospect of drawing a dinosaur. But after the first few "lumps and bumps" and "candy cane shapes" in my direct line drawing lesson, they were completely at ease and enjoying the process.
After their drawings were complete and gone over in permanent marker, they were able to paint their piece as they chose with watercolors. "Yes, Sydney, you can paint your dinosaur in rainbow colors." While still wet we sprinkled our work with salt. This gave the dinosaur skin that lumpy reptile effect. Of course, they loved this part! Once dry, our creatures, complete with blankies, were cut out and glued to a black construction paper background. Stars and moon were then added. This was one of my favorite projects of the summer. I love the individual personalities of each of these dinosaurs. Well done kids!!