Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Llamas with Peruvian Textiles

This project was inspired by a friend's recent amazing trip to Macchu Picchu.
 Truly a bucket list moment!

Since the chances of me making the trek there anytime soon are nonexistent, the consolation prize was to do an art lesson based on the Peruvian llamas. There are over 7 million llamas in South America. They are highly intelligent animals that are easily trained. They are raised for their wool, to carry loads and pull carts. And since they are in the camel family, they can survive weeks without water.

Jackie said this photo-bombing llama's name was Lucy 
and a group of 30 of them live there year round to keep the grass down.

Just -WOW!

Beautiful Peruvian textiles

 sketching it out

basic step by step drawing

 Sharpie and chalk pastel

 Simple line work for our Peruvian textile backgrounds -
easy and approachable for my young groups

 Watercolor and oil pastel resist


  1. Those backgrounds are BEAUTIFUL! I love the llamas, some of them gave me a little chuckle.

  2. Thanks Abby! I think llamas lend themselves to some quirky drawings. :)

  3. Visita nuestro blog

  4. Hi Mary. These are so amazing! My Kindergarteners are studying Peru this year, and this is a great inspiration. May I ask, how did you guide them in drawing the face?
    Thanks so much,

  5. Working on this today with my 5th/6th grade. They're turning out so great and funny! Thank you for sharing!

  6. What kind of watercolor or brand are you using..? I love the vibrancy of the colors!

    1. I use Sax or Blick liquid watercolors.

    2. Hi Mary! I love your ideas! Do you have any suggestions for how to distribute the liquid watercolors, (which I LOVE!)? I have used ice cube trays, plastic paint palettes, etc. I'm thinking about maybe having only two colors at each table and they switch tables? I am trying to decide how best to have them not mix colors, spill, etc.

    3. Thank you! like the idea of ice cube trays as they're deeper than paint palettes. Since liquid watercolors stain skin, maybe having them take their papers to other tables might lead to drips or paint stains. Maybe just emphasize rinsing their brush each time they change colors. I teach small groups, so I haven't been in your situation ;) Best of luck!

  7. I'm the Editor of Fun Family Crafts and wanted to let you know that we have featured your llama project! You can see it here:


    If you have other kid-friendly craft tutorials, we'd love for you to submit them. If you would like to display a featured button on your site, you can get one from the right side bar of your post above. Thanks for a fantastic project idea!

    1. Thank you for including my project Cindy! I added a simple step-by-step drawing tutorial I thought might be helpful.

  8. What grade did you do these with?

  9. I would also like to do this with my class. How did you guide the students? Is the llama cut out and glued onto the textile piece? Thanks!!

  10. What an amazing job. What grade did you do this with? I teach elementary K-4th and would love to give it a try. Any suggestions >


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