Fanta"Sea" Garden
Teens and adults- create your own artwork inspired by artist Yellena James. She has lots of examples of her beautiful art on Pinterest to inspire you.
Here is a step-by-step to create your own design.
Start with a few circles in the center of your paper.
Add some smaller circles inside them. They kind of look like olives.
Add some sea plants. These look like lines with long raindrops attached
Add a series of lines inside your circles and some more sea plants
Here is a different style of coral-like plants you can add
Stack these pointed curves to fill in some gaps
How about this sea flower using small stacked circles?
Or these "U" shapes that overlap one another?
Maybe some raindrop shapes and rows of dots or small circles
Add these elements all around your circle shapes
to create your fantasy garden or come up with your own ideas
Fill up your page with as many details as you'd like
Feel free to add your own made up sea plants or abstract shapes
Draw or trace your drawing with Sharpie or ball point pen
Now it's ready to add color using markers or colored pencil or whatever you enjoy.
This is just thin black pen and markers on printer paper
This was created on 5x7 cardstock and is ready for color
using markers, paint or colored pencils
This was created on 5x7 cardstock and is ready for color
using markers, paint or colored pencils
I have added links to the materials you can use for this method.
Start with a light watercolor wash on watercolor paperAfter it's dry, use a fine tip permanent black pen, and Any of the following for color: Gelly Roll pens, Bic Metallic Markers, regular markers, colored Sharpie markers,
Posca Pens or any paint pens and white gelly roll pens.
Here I took it a different direction with a painted background and used collaged circles and gel pens and metallic markers on top.
Get creative and think of different designs using these shapes and add your own ideas.
Send me a picture of your work so I can create an online gallery to share your art!