Well, I have to say I was very excited to see that I hit the 200 followers mark. This is a huge accomplishment for me considering I teach small private after school classes. (My blogger friends who teach hundreds of children, you have my utmost respect and regard!!)
I created MaryMaking as a way to keep a log all of my art lessons as well as enjoy the exchange of creative ideas. It has been such a wonderful experience for me, and a constant positive in my life. I have so enjoyed the dialogue with mothers, home schoolers, elementary teachers and art teachers. Thank you all for your comments and questions!
To mark this milestone, I am following the lead of a number of other bloggers with a couple giveaways.
#1.) I Can Cut and Stick and Art Skills , both Usborne books. This 2 book giveaway has art project ideas for preschoolers thru teens and beyond. I am a big fan of Usborne books.
#2.) Kaleidoscope, Ideas and Projects to Spark Your Creatvivity, This is a great book for those of us who need to keep our own creative fires burning beyond children's art lessons. If you like collage, mixed media and the written word, this is for you.
To enter, simply leave a comment with which book(s) you are interested in and a way of contacting you. I will draw the winners on Sunday, May 8.
Lastly, but most importantly, a big thanks to all the children (and of course their parents) who choose to spend a creative afternoon with me each week. You keep me striving to provide art lessons that will teach, entertain and inspire you!